...I'll start with the smartest dog in mossyrock
Had this thread going at the old forum...
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Life of Reilly
That's two things I ain't got to worry about in Florida. Porcupines and snow. Love the dogs though!
They may not be too smart, the little one thinks she likes the striped kitties around the area, needs lots of bathing to stay lovable. Chris
She loves snow too!
Better then porcupines I guess...
Al: I've had my share of quills too (bad stuff!) but the skunk smell is a real deal breaker when she jumps on the bed at night! She was raised for her first 8 months with a big cat and thinks all kitties are her old playmate and has no fear of running up to greet them enthusiastically! I have the de-odorizing formula down pat and also have a good supply of the store bought shampoo especially for that purpose as the second step in every case. My question would be did the good ole dog learn from the first batch of quills or did a second mishap occur? Chris
...learned alright, learned where the porcupines hide, and keeps going back for more, the way my partner tells the story. Seems quite proud of his accomplishments, actually!
Can't teach an old dog..... maybe can't teach young ones either! Mine usually have me taught before they are.... Chris
I love my dogs, but when 3 of them tangle with a "stickum pig" I find my patience short.
I have had no luck posting pics but here we go,
Hope I got the right ones!
PS, A quick way to put your photobucket images in, right click on your photobucket image, select "Copy", Right click in your post, select "Paste". (Shortcuts "Ctrl-C" and "Ctrl-V")
Don't need to go through "browse" or anything.
Works even better if you have two browser windows open, then you an go back and forth and do several images before you "Save".
(Or just do what you did, I'll come along and fix it up anyway!)
You mean I don't have to mess with the codes? Outstanding. Leave it to me to overcomplicate the project.
Since I'm here I might as well fill in the stories about the dogs pictured. The one with the quills and the other two big dogs are the ones that got "quilled". I was in the round pen working with a green broke horse when they were "let out" by a visiting friend, and when they came back. The one with the beard is "Kane" he was a poor "Pound dog" that nobody wanted. They were scared of him because he was labled as a pitbull. He was in the cage, and was being treated for some ailment and just looked pathetic. He wouldn't hardly come to the door. Something clicked and we brought him home. We have an Autistic daughter and he has bonded with her. He sits and watches her for hours. woe be it to the miscreant that gets within ten feet of her.
The light colored big dog in the outdoor picture we lost about 6 months ago. She was a hard luck case all the way around. She managed to end up in the doggie hospital once for eating foxglove????. Then the porcupine, and finally succumbed to some canine version of tayssacs (Sp?). Lilly, the big dark one is 1/2 Aussie Heeeler 1/2 GSD. Too smart for a dog. She can manipulate a door knob and let herself in and out, but she doesn't close the door behind her.
The funny looking Doxie type is Bun-Bun. The wife has had her for ages she actually is the center of a story. The other dogs go ,out in the fenced backyard, generally. we have a "friend who comes over and inevitably lets the dogs out (long story) and hence the meeting with mr. Porky. Anyway Buns gets to go out in the front yard by herself to catch some sun. One day The other dogs raise a commotion from the back yard and I jump to the door "prepared" for some wild critter of something. There, up on the road is a goofy neighbor out for his walk. He must have startled the old girl and she barked at him. he panicked and found a tree branch, complete with leaves, about 6' long, and there he is, waving this tree branch at the dog from about 12' away like a lion tamer with a chair. The sixteen year old, eight pound, 9" high dog, is looking over her shoulder at me as if to say "What is this guys problem?" Now, I could understand if one of the big dogs were out there but........ Even Kane is god-awful friendly as long as you don't approach the daughter.
Well now if posting pics is that simple, all I have to do is figure out how in the heck to get this new computer to recognize the card adaptor I used with the old computer to create my photobucket album.
I don't computer very well.
Your not alone. I probably spend 3 days working on something a kid could do with his I phone in 3 minutes. Pretty frustrating at times, then someone comes along and shoots us a couple of attaboys and it all seems worthwhile.
Bowser Not too bright, but fast as sumbichee and silent.
Piccola Head of Ranch Security Best eyes in Tallahatchie County
Scout Best nose in the county Also loudest yowl
Red Assistant Head of Ranch Security. The one in the jacket can kill a mule at 50 paces by cussing
All are left-off dogs. That seems to be a weakness of morals in this part of the world.
C'mon Al, that dog is trying to teach you, admit it! Chris
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