Slow getting this up, this will run till end of July:
Skeeter Skelton's Handgun Tales, "A Treasury Of Facts, Fiction. and Fables" 1985
Book of the month June July
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Please add my name to the draw.
Throw my name in please.
I'd love a copy of that book. Please throw my name in.
I'd love a chance at one of Skeeter's book. Please toss my hat into the ring.
I also would jump at the chance for one of Skeeter's books. Thanks!!
Me Too!
Books are like guns too; can't have enough of them either!
Please add my name to the drawing. Thanks!
Cowdog has hit the nail on the head. Now, if I could just get the number of guns to catch up to the number of books...
But then, lately it seems as if, the more guns I acquire, the less shooting I do. Of course, it could have something to do with being exiled to the armpit of the world.
Love Skeeters writings, please put my name in the hat.
Can't have too much Skeeter on the shelf. Please add me to the hat, bucket whatever you use.Thanx
...Ed Parry*, currently
*Lt. Col. Edward J. Parry*, will be "about as far out on the goat trail as
one can get" in Afghanistan next weekend. While our "Goat-Herder-in-Chief"
manages to supply his troops with the necessities to conduct politically
correct activities there, it's up to us to provide the little comforts of
home. Ed reports ample supplies of cookies, dry socks, briefs & sweaters.
What they're short of is reading material. Manly stuff. The dog eared,
HOMES AND GARDENS /were thoroughly consumed, possibly memorized, before Ed
Ed's been a long time supporter of our Elmer Keith Memorial Shoot, has bought many a raffle ticket, and I am sure if he wasn't out "In The Sandbox", I'm sure he would have entered the drawing, so, with the administrative powers vested in me, the Skeeter magazine went off to Afganistan. As most of our other books went at the shoot, If I don't come up with something qick I'll send the winner of the "Book of the Month" June drawing a copy of the Elmer Keith Tanzania Safari CD Set
Elmer Keith in Tanzania Audio Recording
2 disk set
John Northcote, Professional Hunter
Nicky Blunt, Professional Hunter
Bob Peterson, Peterson Publishing
Tom Siatos, Guns & Ammo and Hunting Magazine, Publisher
David Shane
Bob D'Olivo, Professional Photographer
I am not rich, but I can buy pretty much any book I want to read and have it arrive in my post office box within a week.
Since the soldiers don't have that luxury, take me off the list in deference to them. be in the drawing for the Keith CD's?
If I win, Can you not send them to a soldier in Afghanistan? I would enjoy anything offered here, just bothers me the troops have no decent reading material .
Al, I don't want to short anyone elses chance to win but you could draw in my name and send to a soldier if my name came up. Chris
Here is an easy way to send your books to troops.
our local Legion sends other stuff, books can go Media rate, so its a bit cheaper
...Afganistan is ready for Mr. Keith?
I think Will put some in the care package, I'll make sure.
as this would make my day.
Please put me down too!
Please toss my name in the hat for the book. Seeing as how I have a dog earred, read and re -read until you can see both sides of a page at the same time copy, If my name is pulled please send to a soldier in the middle east.
A suggestion for all who care, take your old gun and other magazines as well as unused books to your local VA hospital. I bring at least one item and as many as 20 to the one in Spokane each week. Many VETERANS cannot afford and really appreciate.
Cowdog, if you want the CD's, they are yours. PM me your mailing information.
The Col is back from the sandbox, and has re-gifted this one, so it's back up. Hopefully the next winner will be as generous!
Slow getting this up, this will run till end of June:
Skeeter Skelton's Handgun Tales, "A Treasury Of Facts, Fiction. and Fables" 1985
Let me know if you are still interested!
I don't have this book and am still interested. Thanks JW
I don't have any of Skeeters books so I would still like to have it!
Bob L
Please add my name. Thanks.
Your in, your in, your in, and your in
I've read a few things penned by Skeeter-and a few more by his son Bart. Both are gifted writers. Daresay 'ol Skeeter served as somewhat of a role model for many of us, and a reminder of what it means to be a real human being first.
Al, please add me to the drawing, ok?
I've got "Good Friends...." and "Hoglegs...." and they're about ready to be re-bound I've read them so much. Please let me thrown in for this one, too.
I'd love a chance at that book. I've read a lot of Skeeter Skelton's articles, but I don't have any of his books.
Please add my name for Skeeters book. thanks.
Please put my name in the drawing. Thanks.
Please put my name in the hat! Thanks
Please include me!
PM me your address and I'll get this in the mail.
Anyone have a book to donate for the next drawing?
Thank you! I am humbly grateful. I have sent you my info in a pm and look forward to hearing from you. JW
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