Book of the month giveaway
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Along the lines of the Mad Bohemian, I am starting a book giveaway. This month's book, A very nice like new hardback edition "Encyclopedia of Western Gunfighters" (O'Neal)
Second place will be a new(ish) soft cover
Log in, (or register and log in) and put your name in the hat with a post on this thread.
Good luck!
Al: I suppose you should enter me just for kicks. Chris......* On second thought don't enter me. I would rather see someone else get them so they can enjoy them, I have had so many good books over the years and probably would rather give them to a kid or someone who needs encouragement towards guns and hunting. Chris
You can re-gift it back after you read it if you win
gunsmith. I hope I win. People just like me, in a book.
I have been known not to take a lot of bull, and clear leather now and then.
...your in there somewhere!
And you will really like next months, "Triggernometry" written 80 or 90 years ago, some very politically incorrect verbage!
I am reading Fast and Fancy revolver shooting right now. A hard book to read, but worth while. Mc Givern was one hell of a shot. I would like to have Triggernometry for both my collection, and the info held in it. Can't learn too much.
Al please put my name in
While shopping at a bookstore in Portland Ore last week I found another copy it was 85.00. I bought one there about 4 years ago had it for 4 months before I really looked at it. It was a signed copy and cost 19.95. The copy there now is really clean but I already have 2 copies the wife gave me THE look you know the one I'm sure. Oh, please put my name in too. Thanks Don
Your in
Toss my name in please!
Please throw my name in the 10 gallon hat.
I just recieved the book AMERICAN RIFLE by ALEXANDER ROSE it`s an advance reading copy not for sale anyone tell me anything on this one?
Thanks Dave.
First name out of the hat was EMK1161 from the Elmer Keith forum, Second place was Harley Simmions from the Sixguns forum.
Please PM me your address information, and I'll get the books in the mail.
Congrats EMK and Harley! Chris
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