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Elmer, I picked up an old Winchester 94 in 32 Special and it has some kind of scope mount off to the side with a Tasco 4X . Is it worth keeping that scope or should I get a better setup or should I just remove it and go back to the iron sights? Chris
Never mind, I gave the scope to my brother, he's going to put it on a 22. Think the 94 looks better as an iron sight gun but having trouble seeing the front sight, maybe should go with a peep or something or a bigger front bead. Do they make blade fronts that are thick like on a pistol? Just wondering.
...but put a gold bead on it. Fat blades not I think. Neat caliber. Good riddence on the tasco, wouldn't even put one of those on a .22. Hope the mount wasn't to much of a hack job. How am I doing?
Doing fine, Al. Glad you are back in fine shape. I traded off to my bro and got a 20 gauge in return, then through some brotherly conning he got it back? We do this a lot, back and forth, He mostly gets me better than I do him but then, I'm such a nice guy I don't have the heart to do him bad!!! Am I full of it or what? Chris
Al: Forgot to ask, what did you think of the three deer pics?
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